2011年5月6日 星期五

Pandora's Gift And Other Tales

1.reluctantly (adj)
  • unwilling; disinclined: a reluctant candidate.
2.amazement (n)
  • astonishment.
3.devious (adj)
  • misleading.
4.flaunt (n)
  • the act of displaying something ostentaiously.
5.writhed (v)
  • twisted.
6.scurried (v)
  • scampered.
       This story book is full of intelligence and wisdom. It tells us some older people how to survive from the life in difficulty.So,we must learn they do no easily say give up to the challenge.We must got a positve thought in our mind too.

2011年4月29日 星期五

Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers

1.sniff (v)
  • to draw in air through the nose sharply
2.apron (n)
  • a piece of cloth worn over clothes to keep them clean
3.stern (adj)
  • not soft or kind, but hard and unsmiling
4.cathedral (n)
  • a very large church
5.tuppence (n)
  •  colloquial form of 'two pence', a small amount of money
          This is the story talking about a woman which got some magical power like she can use umbrella to fly through the sky in anytime she likes.This story is very interesting and funny.I would recommend this book to my friend that likes to read english story book.

2011年3月25日 星期五

1st Half Year Unified Test 2

13th April 2011 

A.Comprehension (20%)
(5 Subjective Questions)
B.Vocabulary (20%)
(Top 1 Standard: Unit 3 --pg32&33)
C.Literature Component (20%)
(Poem: 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes' -- 5 True/False Statements
5 Subjective Questions)
D.Verb Forms (10%)
1. The Simple: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
2. The Continuous: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
3. The Prefect: Past, Present
4. The Perfect Continuous: Past, Present
5. The Conditionals
6. Gerund
7. The Infinitives: Bare, To-infinitive
E.Formation of Words (10%)
Practice Session 5 & 7
F.Rewriting Sentences (10%)
Exercise B
G.Grammar (10%)
1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Top 1: pg16-17)
2. Prepositions (Top 1: pg61-62)
3. Subject and Verb Agreement

2011年3月23日 星期三

This is the teacher I hate

    My primary 5 teacher , who punish me for fighting with my friend.It is because my friend snatches my thing without my permission and don't want to return to me, so i hit him.My teacher sees this and calls us to her office and wants to know what is happened.After she knows what have happened, she told me to apologize to my friend but i don't want. So the teacher punish me. Since that day I hate this teacher very much.But now, I have known what wrong i have done even though my friend snatch my thing but it is my wrong to hit him first.

2011年3月22日 星期二

Unit 3 Vocabulary

1.Imperative (adj)
Of vital importance

  • immediate action was imperative
  • it is imperative that standards be maintained  

2.Attachment (n) 
An extra part or extension that is or can be attached to something to perform a particular function
  • the food processor comes with a blender attachment
  • she felt a sentimental attachment to the place

3.Texture (n)
The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance
  • skin texture and tone
  • the cheese is firm in texture
  • the different colors and textures of bark

4.Crucial (adj)
Of great importance
  • this game is crucial to our survival
Decisive or critical, esp. in the success or failure of something
  • negotiations were at a crucial stage

5.Unruly (adj)
Disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control
  • complaints about unruly behavior
(of hair) Difficult to keep neat and tidy
  • she look unruly

6.Spirited (v)
Lively and entertaining
  • a spirited campaigner for women's rights
  • he was a warmhearted, generous-spirited man 

7.Exhilaration (n)
A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation
  • they felt the exhilaration of victory
  • they felt 

8.Enclosures (n)
The state of being enclosed, esp. in a religious community
  • the nuns kept strict enclosure
The process or policy of fencing in waste or common land so as to make it private property, as pursued in much of Britain in the 18th and early 19th centuries
  • one of the chief effects of enclosure was to increase the number of landless workers

9.Fidgety (adj)
Inclined to fidget; restless or uneasy
  • I get nervous and fidgety at the dentist
  • a fidgety child

10.Imparting (v)
Make (information) known; communicate
  • teachers had a duty to impart strong morals to their students
Bestow (a quality)
  • its main use has been to impart a high surface gloss to finished articles

 exhilaration for their daughter

2011年3月6日 星期日

The Mill on the Floss by E.F. DODD

New words:
  1. mortgage (noun)
  • a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.
  • the deed by which such a transaction is effected.
  • the rights conferred by it, or the state of the property conveyed.
     2.amend (verb)
  •  to grow or become better by reforming oneself: He amends day by day .
     3.elope (verb)
  • to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent or knowledge of one's parents.
  • to run away with a lover.
  • to leave without permission or notification; escape.
     4.warrant (verb)
  • to give one's word for; vouch for (often used with a clause to emphasize something asserted): I'll warrant he did!
  • a wide, loose necktie, like a scarf.
    6.keel (noun)
  • the underneath part of a boat.
    7.struggle (verb)
  • to bring, put, etc., by struggling: She struggled the heavybox into a corner.
    8.clasp (verb)
  • to fasten with or as with a clasp.
  • to furnish with a clasp.
    9.refuge (noun)
  • a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
    10.erect (verb)
  • to build; construct; raise: to erect a house.
    11.forsake (verb)
  • to quit or leave entirely; abandon; desert
    12.glance (verb)
  • to look quickly or briefly.
    13.dash (verb)
  • to strike with violence
    14.wretch (noun)
  • a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person.
    15.cripple (noun)
  • a person who is disabled or impaired in any way
    16.sob (verb)
  • to weep with a convulsive catching of the breath.
    17.novelty (adjective)
  • having or displaying novelties
    18.prospect (verb)
  • to search or explore .
    19.preceded (verb)
  • to go before, as in place, order, rank, importance.
    20.distinct (adjective)
  • different in nature or quality.

 Expensive sentences:
  1. In their death they were not divided.
  2. the keel of the boat reappeared—a black speck on the golden water.
  3. It was visited at different moments by two men who both felt that their greatest joy were forever buried there.
  4. The other man was always solitary.
  5. She lay all night long in the gloomy bedroom of the old inn,lost between tears and exhausted slumber.
  6. She fell asleep under star,lulled by the soft river noises around her.
  7. But each day the danger increased;the time of realisation and reckoning came nearer.
  8. They had enteredthe thorny wilderness.
  9. But they clasped each other again in a last embrace.
  10. Her anger and indignation.
               After reading this story,the story is all talking about how a woman and a man become a couple.They love each other but with their parent's disagree they cannot become a couple.This show that they go  thorough  so many difficult to become a couple.

    2011年2月18日 星期五

    The Tiger of Lembah Pahit by Norma R. Youngberg

    New words:  
    1. solitary:(adjective)

      • alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by.
      • living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence.
      • by itself; alone: one solitary house.
    2. humiliate: (verb)

      • to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify.
    3. hauled: (noun)

      • an act or instance of hauling; a strong pull or tug.
      • something that is hauled.
      • the load hauled at one time; quantity carried or transported.
      • the distance or route over which anything is hauled. the act of taking or acquiring something. something that is taken or acquired: The thieves' haul included several valuable paintings.

    Expensive sentences :
    1. The child's eyes were large and dark and looked as soft as velvet. Her hair hung in thick black curls about her face; and her skin, a delicate shade of dusky rose, glowed like the petals of a mountain flower.


               This story is interesting and it is easy to understand. The main character in this story is very brave to fight against the tiger, so we must like him to face the problem bravely.

    2011年1月19日 星期三


    this is my first time using blog ~
    so i dun know need to write what la><